mAIL: amcorral85@hotmail.com


Sorry. Although I really apologize myself. You’d probably forgotten the whole matter. And truly, why would you remember it, it meant nothing to you. To tell the truth, it also meant nothing to me at that time. Or nearly nothing. I know for a moment I doubt, I know I thought it would be easier if I just let the chance slip through my fingers, just as sand. But now I regret it. The remorse of knowing that maybe something very special could have happened that night between us is eating me inside out.
Wait I have seen this before: I’d tell myself it wasn't meant to be and that I have to move on, it was nothing at all. And I will have to repeat it as many times as I need to convince myself about that. Only then I would sleep easily.
No, not this time, this was the last. It can't happen again, it's cutting me of so many things. I have to go through this thing once and for all, to improve, or I’m going to do it again, just the same.

-"I wish if only, if only, is a wish now to late - Cut Here - The Cure –
-perdon por mi stinking English-


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